Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Season's Greetings From Man Abroad

From all of us here at Man Abroad we wish you a lovely and boring festive season, eating your safe little supermarket fat-trimmed steaks and man-handled poultry while we pick the protein-rich flesh off the faces of recently slaughtered lambs with our bare hands at the dinner table.

Oh, can you pass me another tomato please? Yeah it's over there next to the severed lambs feet and tail chilling on the bench. And while your at it chuck us a hoof too, something to munch on in the meantime.

For some more traditional festive season imagery check out this Christmas Tree. Not bad hey — put it together myself. That's an impressive looking tree you might say. Well guess what? It ain't no tree mofo but 5,000 branchy bits from a super massive 30 metre high tree hacked off and artfully wired together by yours truly. Looks like a car crash from behind but this angle is just right.

So be merry and festive and all that shizmo while I Hard Yakka it up country stylings; dig holes, eat meat, move tonnes of compost 10 metres, chop wood until my lower back feels like it's been raped by a donkey, wash dishes like a madman, play with Guacho the puppy while avoiding Tokki the stinky old dog, ride a bike up hills like Lance Armstrong, eat 2 blocks of chocolate a day, think about blog entries, eat until my stomach hurts badly every meal, drink between 5 and 9 cups of tea daily with sugar, ride 15 minutes into a head wind to get lettuce for dinner urgently then ride back in a head wind and get yelled at because I bought a fucking cabbage instead and do it all over again, put on three layers of sunblock everyday (including my plumbers crack), hand plow acres of ground, get kicked in the chest by shit covered sheep hoofs, eat meat, keep and eye on the wasps that are nesting in the bathroom (don't what to get stung on the hornet whilst showering now do I?), try to keep the wood stove fire lit all fucking day, keep a spanish diary that reads like a 6 year old dyslexic school girl, eat pasta from a plate not a bowl, stop myself from crushing to death with my bear hands the roosters that go off from 3AM, drink milk straight from the udder, refuse to eat anything without putting butter on it, fake my way through all Spanish conversations and nod at all requests and instructions (when I can identify them thus) and suffer the consequences later, continue to look the wrong way every time I cross the street, consume more homemade jam than legally possible, learn to fear geese, find lambs jaws with teeth in the bottom of my soup bowl, get called gringo by five year old Chileans, use the third person for 'I understand' everytime instead of the first person (PERSON: You understand Nicholas? ME: Yes, you understand ), stick a finger covered in Chilli powder in my eye, develop callouses now on both hands and eat lots and lots of meat.

Monday, December 21, 2009

The Art Of Trekking

Firstly, I'm on the farm now, Santiago is a distant liver punching memory (a month ago!). I will post a specific farm blog soon when I have something interesting to say or make up. Meanwhile munch on this tasty post people.

Well, what a a day of soloman trekking indeed. I decided to go to the National Park Huerquehue (pronouncing that requires you to shit your pants a little) to see what the fuss was about and also as to inform tourists that stay at the farm/hostel thingo I am volunteering at. Started off Plain Jane enough, packed a lunch (with everything except the fucking bread!). Because I was trekking alone I power-housed it blitz style up the mountain – a whole damn kilometre more or less straight up. I have felt in poor form since my three month experience in Santiago but my spirits soared as I overtook rapidly everyone (middle aged people, fucking hippie tourists and an unusual amount of fat children).

The views where as you would expect, not bad. That's Volcan Villarrica and it's active my friends (it just didn't want to smoke for the camera).

Yes, very nice forest 'n that. Although one thing that seriously gets up my goat here is the lack of even semi decent signage. I didn't have a map because I didn't think I would need a map in a fucking famous national park. I didn't really know where I was going and actually lost the damn track altogether for a good five pants-shitting moments. But that, dear fans, turned out to be the least of my problems.

I noticed there were a lot of insects on the mountain and especially and unusual amount of DEAD insects. Suspicious? You bet.

This poor bastard had half his back crushed off!

This fucker doesn't look dead does he? A kind of beetle/spider hybrid, I got within LICKING distance and he still didn't move. So I did what I had to do...

I poked him with a stick to see what he was playing at. He was playing at being dead and he was playing it very well indeed. He moved ever so slightly, like being turned over by a creature a million times bigger than you is barely an inconvenience. I became bored and moved on reasonably quickly so maybe he played it right?

This dude was ALIVE and on a mission. A mission to not get his back crushed out I bet.


Totally dead. This is one of those beetles that looks normal until you get too close and it SPLITS it exoskeleton in half to reveal a killer set of wings and scares yesterdays breakfast out of you.

I encountered a suspicious couple on the path too, just like this, therefore I was alert and ready to roundhouse before any words were exchanged. And those words were Would you like to join us for a cup of tea in our Bungalow? I know a pair of intersimian homos when I see them and those poses spoke a thousand dirty, dirty words. I bid them farewell and walked briskly away ready to defend a monkey punch to the back of the head.

Then things got much, much worser. My Hok Se Tong Long senses told me something was wrong in this part of the forest. I couldn't put my finger in it but I kept On Toes. Then something caught my eyes. Up Dere En Dem Treeees. An unnatural blur thing. Looks kind of like.... hell no... it couldn't be...

...the Predator! Shitcakes, what's he doing here!?

He dismounted the tree and got the show-pony tricks out. Face mask off, screechy shouts through his ridiculous crab face and some serious haunching. Then he pulled out the skull and spine combo, most likely of some other dumb National Park Tourist Hippie (hopefully a fucking Belgian) like I haven't seem that a million times before. I haven't fought the Predator before (although he has been emailing me for ages to set something up) but I am pretty sure I could take him, all smoke and mirrors that guy. So I made and equally impressive show of taking off my back pack and stretching my hamstrings. But before we could get the party started...

... in jumped his gay little insect friend and they were off batting each other about. I'd seen more than enough extraterrestrial foreplay and legged it out of there.

Back to the scenic route thanks. Now that's an impressive high altitude lake. Still, calm, tranquil. I cleared my mind and focussed on relaxing something serious. Then my super-hyper-alert-maxi-trekkers-intel mind flickered with a thought, what was that I just passed a moment ago...

...was that an old tree stump? Or was it... could it really be... a fucking old massive petrified... giant lizard turd.... oh my god... that means.... he's....

...HERE...FUCK! He found me again! GODZILLAAAAAAAA! That'll teach me to leave the house without anti-aircraft arsenal again. Shit, I got nothing but a Leatherman (and I can barely open the bastard)! He saw me and screamed that pathetic (and funnily enough Clam sounding) 'I'm a massive lizard' scream. Once again I took of my backpack, but this time I REALLY meant business. I'm trying to have a relaxing hike for fucks sake.

Most of you would probably remember the history G-Zilla and I have. A few years back when I was Chief In-House Mr Technological Inventor Maverick Master for DeWalt (aka The Dewalt Dude), we had a massive run in. He and his 'buddies' where getting smashed in an isolated Siberian desert mine watching the Aurora Borealis, the same place Dewalt test their dangerous new Drill-Or-Kill products. Mothra got way too smashed and started picking fights. It turned into a free-for-all-massive-punch-up-oversised-mascot-style-shit-fight. Eager to test out my new DeWalt modified industrial jackhammer, I stepped in and put a very rapid end to the show. Needless to say there is a little bad blood out there. Personally, I hate that fucking lizard, so now I did what I had to do...

I stepped out into the lake (did I mention all my clothes were in the wash so I was wearing my Deathbat outfit with cape because I had nothing else?) and dished out another pain session. You can't wear the Deathbat outfit and not carry a table tennis bat (you never know when you might get called up for a quick knock) so I was fully charged with Champion's Juice. We sparred freehand a little to warm up but I don't fuck around with competitive sport-like warm ups, I went hard and fast with a Ionized TT Forehand Ray (left handed too – how cocky is that!) straight to the lizard groin. He dropped like a sack of wet shit, I exited the lake, remounted the backpack and ran like the wind. Needless to say he will definitely be after me now for some retribution.

And of course it's been all over the news here like a tropical rash. I have agreed to a trilogy movie deal for a SHITMINE of money. My only requirement was that I write, direct, edit, art direct, critique and star in all three movies. I knocked out the screen plays quicksmart, shot all three in a week using mainly spliced stolen footage to help keep my profit margin respectable and now I am currently in edit phase (on a laptop upon a single bed, in an insect infested room in the Chilean countryside). I know trilogies are a dime a dozen these days so we are going to try something new and risky; release all three movies at the same time! Fuck waiting to see what happens next, just walk out the cinema, take a leak, top up the pop corn and walk back in.

The assistant writers and I thought the National Park setting was a bit gay so we slightly tinkered with it and now all three movies are set in Mega Cities.

Part One: Once Upon a Time In China (There Was A Fucking Massive Fist On Between Godzilla And Man Abroad)
Godzilla's spine has been reset, hes' finally passed that school bus that Man Abroad set on fire and drove down his throat and he's got revenge on his primitive reptilian mind. Man Abroad is working undercover as a tight pants wearing militant in Asia trying to bring down a massive fake chinaware triad gang in Shanghai. Godzilla knows where he is and is coming for him (and maybe some of those cute bambo shoots in pots for the new Asian themed room in his ocean lair). Buckle up action lovers and get ready for some hardcore city wide destruction Asian style!

Part Two: The Rookie and the Lizard: Santiago Nights
Slip in a Prequel? Yes please. Back to Santiago 1971. The mullet is taking flight, the dirty mo has settled in to stay, shirts are skin tight with 12 inch collars and pistols look very lady-like. Godzilla's ocean lair is being re-wallpapered so he's come to the city to see if he can pick up some new curtains to match. But Santiago doesn't want a 30 metre high fire-breathing lizard shopping in the CBD. So who do they call? Man Abroad is a rookie fresh out of Carabinero Academy, his pants are painted on and he's eager to shoot his pistol. Get ready for a shit fight on a scale never before seen (except in the first movie but that was set in the future so technically it hasn't happened yet).

Part Three: Godzilla Vs Mandroid Abroad
The eagerly anticipated climax to the trilogy. Its the year 2130. Godzilla finally stitched his arms back on, had a rest and is now back. And this time he's REALLY fucked off. Man Abroad is well and truly dead (he slipped in the shower and broke his neck in 2080). But modern medicine kept his head and penis on ice for 50 years while they upgraded him to Super Droid. In this final chapter the old score between two long time enemies is finally settled in the only way possible; hand to hand fighting on top of mega sky scrapers style.

Most of the hard yards of delivering this epic trilogyologised Man Vs Nature Vs Alien Vs Lizard biography to the people are done now and soon I can sit back a ride the cash wave all the way to the bank.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Shedding Light: Santiago Pedestrian Signals

Political correctness has gone completely mad in Santiago. It seems they are now catering for everyone with any condition. Once upon a time just slapping on a half arsed ramp for a dude in wheel chair was good enough, or shove some bumpy dot things on a public phone and then walk away. Now it seems tax payers money is thrown at every type of disorder under the sun. Here are just a few of the plethora of crossing lights I saw. As far as I can gather this green pedestrian light (above) is saying; Please Cross: If You Have Diarrhea (Licorice Arse, The Gravox Train, A Malfunctioning Jedi Dark Saber), or even; Please Cross: Unkempt Circus Women.

Not sure what kind of neighbourhood this is but I think it is indicating the following; Please Cross: If You Have Extreme It's-Already-Reached-The-Ground Diarrhea (The Derailed Express Gravox Train, A Bad Case Of The Cheeky Cough, Log-Cabin Fever, A Curious Case Of Benjamin's Butt-hole), which I imagine would be more of a frantic, screaming run than a walk. Or possibly this; Please Cross: If You Need To Shit Like A Demon Possessed By Another Demon That Has The Gravox Train.

This one has me somewhat confused but no doubt it is saying something along the lines of; Please Cross: If Your Abdomen Is On Fire, or maybe; Please Cross: If You Have Stage II Symptoms Of The Flesh Eating Virus, or perhaps even; Please Cross: If You Have An Uneaten Family Sized Margarita Pizza Wrapped Around Your Torso. Needless to say, I was mightily confused about where I was to cross, so most of the time I just made a mad dash with the Unkempt Circus Women.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Punto Pong: The Event, The Movie

The greatest sporting event to ever hit Santiago was 21 November 2009. Punto Pong brought together athletes from almost every continent (a.k.a. residents from El Punto) and pit them against one another to see, once and for all, who is the best fucking Ping Pong player in the world. Invites were exclusive, only those living in El Punto at the time were allowed to partake. Everyone had to pay to enter to cover the cost of equipment, killer t-shirts, my excessive printing bill and of course, and unholy amount of alcohol. And out of sheer necessity, I featured in the hero image again. It's a photo of me playing with my old army mates (Infantry) at the Warradale Army Barracks. I was Active Serviceman Recreational (Champion) Man Of The Year all three years it ran. The guys around the barracks used to call me PP Chilli Grip a.k.a Def Army Beat Dawg, or, my personal favourite, Ping Flash a.k.a Ice Knuckles.

Once again I have pilfered photos from various people. If my memory serves me correctly; Camille of France, Marco of Germany, Flaviana of Brazil and Someone of Somewhere Else (who didn't name their folder and hence I have forgotten). So thanks peeps.

And of course there was other paraphernalia to get to people charged. Not having access to a printer in Chile (let alone a non-shit one) has proved a massive headache for me. But we got there in the end and it was worth it!

Here is a digital recreation of the final draw. I wanted to take a photo of the final sheet that was used (by me, the Organiser Man) throughout the day but it got lost or most likely destroyed in the chaos that is Competitive Sport And Drinking.

But first let us view the prize winning Punto Pong Movie. I think you'll agree that the days spent making it were not in vain. It is tough at times being Creative Editing Actor Director (so many balls in the air at once), but I truly believe I have paid an accurate homage to the epoch defining event known as Punto Pong. Because it contains Spanish titles, this movie is classed as, and can be found in, the video library section labeled Foreign Art-house. Please also bare in mind I have no idea whatsoever how to compress and downsave videos.

The Arena was constructed in the garden out of necessity but proved to be a wise choice indeed. The live-in caretaker, Jaime (not pronounced like that), even had the table repainted! What a man (that's after he gave me a shellacking for not asking for permission to put The Event on).

The table in all its glory. The ground was even resurfaced to accommodate my requirements of a perfectly even playing surface.

The spectator stadium. All t-shirts were white except for that red one hanging in the tree that was destined for the Champion.

There was even a little attempted Mexican Wave action. Poor Felix of Germany doesn't quite get how it works.

The tournament draw was totally and completely done at random, picked out of a hand-knitted desert beanie by Paul (who insisted on doing it). But spat out some interesting match ups, for example: German Vs German...

...Girlfriend Vs Boyfriend...

...and Mr Convers Vs Anyone (as you can probably tell by his amateurish posture he lost. And he lost bad).

But all in all no love was lost. Here, we see Camille of France after he beat down Marta of Cataluña.

And here we have Marielle of The Netherlands destroyed by Mama Jane of Basque Country.

Martin of Germany crushed Taissa of Brazil without restraint.

It was decided after each round that there would be photos taken of the winners and losers. A good idea I thought, however, with at least 15 different people taking photos and no official photographer I have no fucking idea where they all are and probably never will. Here you'll find the winners of Round 1.

And here you'll find the losers of Round 1 (including, of course, Mr Convers).

Even Jaime, the live-in caretaker, had a quick knock about on the table. Notice his crazy South American grip!? He'll never be a Champion.

Try as I might-ed-ed, holding back on the bevies during the afternoon was hard (and not achieved), as being the President, Organiser, Promoter, Treasurer, Judging Panel, Art Director, and highly seeded Competitor, a certain level of professionalism was expected of me. And I didn't want to be asleep by the time the Grand Final came around as I had strong expectations of being IN it.

Perhaps the biggest winner of the day, besides me, were the hideously successful t-shirts. Punto Pong was screened printed on the front and textas were handed out to customise them in whatever way wanted. I took the lead and handed all the t-shirts out a few nights previously wearing my amazingly Australianised attire, many grabbed textas and followed suit.

T-shirts. Also documented in the Offical Punto Pong Movie seen previously, I thought we could recap. Here is my tantalizing little number. So Australian, reinforced by the other Australian tradition: Taking Bananas Whilst Drinking The Cheapest Of All The Working Class Beers And Having A Glass But Not Using It.

From the rear. And yes, that is a ninja down the bottom.

Felix of Germany required assistance with his shirt, or with something, now that is a suspicious grin on his face. Perhaps this next angle can clarify exactly what is going on...

Or maybe I have seen enough. Those ping pong balls aren't cheap you know.

Camille of France chose packing tape (and Evil by the looks of it) over the textas.

Ariel of Chile.

Max/Maximo/Maxi-Pad of Germany.

Mr Convers of Colombia. The only person to have a fully decked out t-shirt of which he personally added nothing.

A very cheeky Martin of Germany.

Gabby of Slovakia.

The extremely dodgy Johann of Germany chose to use his t-shirt as a vehicle for inciting violence.

Some interesting Ping Pong Techniques were unveiled (or reared their ugly heads). This is Felix of Germany demonstrating his Number Two's Backhand.

Helcio of Brazil doing something. Looks more like he's swatting drunkenly (with another dodgy South American grip) at a non existent midget wizard on the table after taking one too many beverages.

Joris of France (Grand Finalist) prefers to play sans shoes.

Mr Convers prefers not to play at all. This is him executing his consistently Standard-One-Size-Fits-All-Million-Dollar-I'm-A-Harris-Scarf-Model-Smile.

And most did get their drink on. Flaviana of Brazil assisted by fellow countryman Ivan. That tub houses (for all El Punto parties) Calimocho, called Joda in Chile; an equal mix of Coca Cola and cheap, nasty red wine. I'm a fan. We went through multiple tub loads this day.

Juan of Spain/Argentina (the derelict man on the left) is also a fan of the beverage (pictured here with a more subdued Camille of France). I think he takes the medal for First Person Completely Shit Faced for the afternoon.

Ok, let's get serious. All other competitors got eaten alive by myself and this crafty bastard, Joris of France. A man of no remorse (he actually wrote the names of all his victims on his shirt) has an unbelievable/unplayable forehand and an unimpressive but useful backhand splice. The Grand Final was Best Of Three Games, five serves each, until twenty-one. I was actually very fucking nervous even though I was slightly drunk. I organised this tournament, I ensured no rigging of the day by slightly adjusting playoffs, it was my last Saturday night in Santiago and afterwards we would kick on in Honour Of My Departure. For me to lose this Grand Final would be a kick in the purse I don't think I could get over. And Joris isn't the kind of guy to throw a tournament for someone else's sake. Joris won Game 1 (very close might I add). I thought I was done for, I had vicious flashbacks to the Deathbat Grand Final where Nicholas King of England stole what was supposed to be mine. We swapped sides of the table and began Game 2. It was neck and neck all the way but I just managed to get over the line!

That leaves one final match to decide the winner. Joris of France consulted with Felix of Germany for a few minutes, which involved nothing more that a Man On Man Massage. I consulted with a pack of Spanish Ladies who rubbed down my forearms, forced beer upon me and chanted favourable slogans. But don't worry my friends, I had a game plan. If you hit to Joris' forehand you may as well go get another drink and sit down, because you're dead meat. So I payed crafty. Every shot possible, and I mean every fucking shot possible, I knocked over to his less vicious backhand and wore him down like an African Cape Hunting Dog. There was only a point or two in the final game...

But I fucking won it man! Now I know how Federer feels when he wins a Gran Slam Tournament!

More celebrating. This is the moment where I get beer spilt all over my sensational and unwashable-due-to-non-permanent-textas iconic Australian t-shirt. I still have it in my oversized backpack but I can never wear it again because it looks like someone urinated on it.

Finalists get in the pool! And that pool is fucking cold. If you spend more than 10 minutes in that thing you don't get out, you get fished out with a net DEAD the next day.

Whilst I remained in the pool, slowly dying, everyone ran inside and out on to the balconies overlooking the pool. They hit some music and started singing and dancing. All the way through I was a little unsure of what was going on as it seemed a little too organised for a Nick Won Celebration. I mean, did they have another one for Joris if he won or would they hack out the same thing for him? But what it turned out to be was a Going Away Because It Is Your Last Weekend Nick Gift, which makes more sense. A lovely (drunken) token which I will remember always. And if I forget I can just watch the the video again.

The party kicked itself along in various parts of the residence. Here is Helcio of Brazil assisting Edurne of Basque Country in drinking from the coveted Calimocho Avocado Vessel. I think you can tell by the state of Helcio's lips that he's had a few (or he's a flesh eating Zombie — one of the two).

Toni of Cataluña too enjoyed a dram or two.

Aina of Majorca got into the spirit.

And Helcio of Brazil, whom I am pretty sure instigated it, couldn't be stopped.

Then, if my memory serves me correctly, we went across town to some nightclub, many of us representing with t-shirts! Where we danced like the drunken fools we were.

Oh my God, it's the Punto Pong Grand Final Champion in his very own Punto Pong Grand Final Champion T-Shirt! Please note that this and all following images were not Photoshop'd but my new aura of Championessness was messing with the camera's settings. But I quite like the effect.

Everybody wants a piece of you when you are a Champion.

Of course, as requested by the fans, we had to take the standard Champion By The Fridge Pose, both normal and Crop Top versions.

And you know what else I realised? Empanadas actually taste better when you are a Champion. Almost like they are trying harder to impress me now. That was a chicken and mushroom empanada by the way, I highly recommend it.

Champions don't use furniture in the Average Citizen Way, that would be just plain Un-Champion-like. At this late stage of the evening I had slipped back into my playing Pre-Champion t-shirt for two reasons. To see if it would stop messing with the camera's settings (which it obviously didn't) and because I felt more Australian and working class in a t-shirt with a Kangaroo silhouette, Fortune Favours The Bold written in latin, an ACDC logo, an Australian Flag (in full colour), a skull and cross bones, two clenched fists, the number 01, the word Aussie (with hand rendered shadowing), the name Señor Ping Pong and a ninja.

As a well trained Champion Athlete, I know only to well the necessity to keep fit and well stretched at all times, regardless of whether it is 05.30 in morning and I've drunk enough to make my glasses redundant. To all those that woke up stiff and hungover the next day, I say this: I wasn't stiff at all.

Another press shot, the typical bog-standard Crop Top With Unlit Lamp Shot.

And finally the hero press image (to be used in all Sporting, Mens Health and Bachelor Of The Year type magazines), your run of the mill Man Squat On Barrel Shot.

Due to the success of all my Ping Pong Tournaments I am considering changing careers to a Freelance Ping Pong Tournament Coordinator/Player/Champion and traveling the world and punishing other cultures with my bat and balls. Got some business card ideas baking in the oven at the moment. Will keep you posted amigos.